John's Testimony
I'm John, the charge of the angel who holds the everlasting evangel. I'm making a record of conversations that I had with God over an 18 year period of time. I'm only recording the highlights of course, the conversations that led me towards finding the solution to the new problem of sin. Many times I would drift off topic for a while, only to get back on topic again later. That's why it took so long. I would often pray the wisdom-seeker's prayer [1], so that I could get back on topic. I hope that from this record, others can see how we receive from God the wisdom to solve a problem.

Wisdom is the application of knowledge. So, when we ask God for the wisdom to solve a problem, we are asking him for the knowledge that we need to apply to the problem in order to find the solution. If we watch Jeopardy, then we know that every piece of knowledge is the answer to a question. Therefore, if we ask ourselves the right questions, we can find the knowledge that we need. But because we do not know what the right questions are, we need God to ask us the right questions. God asks us a question whenever a thought, in the form of a question, suddenly occurs in our mind, a question that God wants us to ask ourselves.

I eventually came to realize that each time such a thought suddenly occurred in my mind, it was my guardian angel bringing a message, in the form of a question, from God to me. Each question that I asked God would be answered with a question to which I knew, or was able to find, the answer. That's how Jesus answered questions in the gospels. I also came to realize that what I was doing was asking God in faith for the wisdom to solve the new problem of sin. I was doing that just as James 1:5-7 says to do.

Finally, it's important to understand that no conversation can begin until something sparks it. My first conversation with God was sparked by a bizarre incident that happened in my church. What follows now is the record of my conversations with God.

John: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. I come to you concerning something I just read in the newspaper. It's about those two vandals, Joseph and his live-in girlfriend Marie, who recently came into Mass at our church, which is named after the Annunciation, on the Feast of the Guardian Angels, to overturn our altar, causing it to slide down the steps and smash into pieces on the floor below. It turns out that both of them received a vision the week before the incident, a vision of them tearing up a church. Marie received her vision in a dream a few nights before Joseph received his vision right after coffee. What is the meaning of all of this?

God: What's the Annunciation?

John: It was the first evangel of Christ, the message of good news brought by the angel Gabriel to the virgin Mary, that she was going to conceive the Christ child, your Son. But what does Mary or the angel have to do with our altar getting smashed into pieces?

God: Did Mary receive her angelic vision in a dream or while she was awake?

John: Awake ... Ok, I see. Marie received her vision in a dream. So, she is an antitype of Mary and her vision is an antitype of the Annunciation. Is her boyfriend Joseph an antitype of Mary's husband?

God: Did Mary's husband receive the angelic vision in a dream or while he was awake?

John: In a dream ... Ok, I see. Marie's boyfriend received his vision while he was awake. So, he is an antitype of Mary's husband. The overturned altar must be a sign from you. But what does it mean?

God: Before the altar was overturned, how many people could see the floor under it?

John: Nobody.

God: What about after it was overturned?

John: Everybody. Hmm ... Ok, I see now. It means that overturning the altar reveals what was under it.

God: Speaking of the revelation of what's under the altar, what's under the altar in the book of Revelation?

John: Let's see ... Revelation 6, verse 9 ... It says, "I saw under the altar the souls of those, who had been slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held." Are these souls the victims of a sacrifice?

God: Is the altar a place of sacrifice?

John: It is. Ok then, they must be the victims of a sacrifice. How about the "Word of God"? Is that your son Jesus Christ?

God: Does the author of the book of Revelation say that my Word is Jesus Christ?

John: Why yes, he does, in John 1:1-14; and I see that your Word is the one through whom all things, including the souls under the altar, were made (John 1:2). What about the testimony which they held (Rev. 6:9). Is that the testimony of your son Jesus Christ?

God: Does the author of the book of Revelation say that it was the testimony of Jesus?

John: No, he doesn't, and I see that others in the book of Revelation have both the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus. So, I guess the sacrificial victims do not have the testimony of your Son. It must be some other testimony which they hold. But what could it be?

God: What do they say?

John: Of course, a testimony is something that is said. So, I need to find out what they say. Let's see. In the next verse they say, "How long O Master, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" They're not asking when their blood will be avenged on your church on earth, are they?

God: Do you dwell on the earth?

John: We do. This might be a problem then. Who is this Master of theirs? Is he your Son?

God: Does the author of Revelation ever call my Son by the title "Master"?

John: Hmm ... Let's see ... Well, I'll be. Nowhere else does John use the word "Master", despotes in Greek, ... he uses "Lord", kyrios in Greek, 77 times ... but not "Master" ... Ok then, the souls under the altar must not be baptized. Are they in heaven?

God: Does it sound like they're in heaven?

John: Hmm ... I guess they're not in heaven; because if they were, they'd be asking you to forgive their killers. Do they know who their killers are?

God: Do they say who their killers are?

John: They don't say. I guess they don't know. That's weird. Were they sacrificed in their sleep?

God: Do they say they were killed in their sleep?

John: They don't say. Can you give me a clue?

God: Why do they expect their blood to be avenged on those who dwell on the earth, rather than on their killers?

John: It must be that those who dwelled on the earth knew about the human sacrifices but did nothing to stop them from happening.

God: Why are you using past tense?

John: I guess I'm presuming that these human sacrifices happened in the past. Are they happening today?

God: What does the next verse say?

John: Hmm ... after the sacrificial victims ask their Master about when their blood will be avenged, the next verse says that they were given white robes. What's the meaning of the white robes?

God: Do any other souls in the book of Revelation have white robes?

John: Yes, in the next chapter, there are saints before the Lamb, which I know is your son. What about them?

God: Were they given the white robes the way my servants under the altar were?

John: No, it says that they washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Ok, these spiritual robes must be given to us before we're old enough to make them dirty by sinning. Then, we wash our robes white in the blood that the Lamb, your Son, shed for our sins. But what does that have to do with the white robes that were given to the sacrificial victims?

God: Could it have something to do with the age of my servants when they were killed?

John: Why yes, it means that they were not old enough to sin when they were sacrificed. The sacrificial victims were still babies when they died. Who could they be?

God: Are there any babies that are being killed today?

John: Well, if fetuses are babies, then yes, there are babies being killed today. They're being killed by abortion. But that's not a sacrifice is it?

God: What's a sacrifice?

John: Well, according to the Collins Dictionary, a sacrifice is an act of giving up something to obtain something else for oneself or for others.

God: What was the most holy sacrifice?

John: The act of giving up one's own life to obtain for others the remission of their debts to you. Your Son, Jesus Christ, was the only man who was qualified to make the most holy sacrifice. But what does that have to do with abortion?

God: What is a most unholy sacrifice?

John: Well, it must be the opposite. It would be an act of giving up the life of another to obtain for oneself the remission of debt to the other. But there's no remission of debt through abortion is there?

God: What does the father of an illegitimate child owe his child?

John: Child support. But that's a debt to a born child. What does a child support debt have to do with a fetus?

God: When did the father of the illegitimate child incur the support debt?

John: Hmm ... let's see ... The MacMillan Dictionary says that we incur a debt as a result of doing something ... So, there must be something that a man does to incur a child support debt. Is it fathering a child illegitimately?

God: What do you mean by "fathering a child"?

John: Hmm .. I guess it means impregnating a female illegitimately. A male must incur a postnatal support debt the moment he impregnates a female. If he impregnates her legitimately, then he will pay off his support debt by working to put food on the table for his family; and if he impregnates her illegitimately, then he will pay off his support debt by paying child support. Does the female incur a prenatal support debt?

God: Did she do something to incur a prenatal support debt.

John: Well, assuming she consented to the act which caused the pregnancy, then yes, she would incur a prenatal support debt. I see now. The typical abortion is a most unholy sacrifice, because the biological parents give up the life of another (their offspring) to obtain for themselves the remission of their prenatal and postnatal support debts to the other. But under the altar are souls. Do fetuses have souls?

God: When did Adam become a living soul?

John: When you breathed the breath of life into his body (Gen. 2:7). But what does that have to do with those of us who are conceived in our mother's womb?

God: When was oxygen first breathed into your body?

John: Was it when I was born?

God: Did your mother ever tell you why you have a scar in the middle of your belly?

John: My belly button? Well, that's where the umbilical cord was attached to me when I was in my mother's womb. What does that have to do with when oxygen was first breathed into my body?

God: What elements went into your body through the umbilical cord, and which elements went out of your body through the umbilical cord?

John: I never was good at Biology. I guess I'm going to have to ask a doctor. ... Ok, two doctors just told me that oxygen and nutrients went into my body through the umbilical cord, and carbon dioxide and waste went out. My mother must have been eating and breathing for two while I was in her womb. The doctors say that it started to happen as soon as my body, as a tiny embryo, became firmly implanted in her womb. So, I guess that's when my body became a living soul. I see now. Fetuses have souls; and because of that, each soul seen under the altar must be the soul of someone who was being sacrificed in the mother's womb to obtain for the biological parents the remission of their prenatal and postnatal suppport debts to the soul. Now I understand why the altar was overturned in my church. It was to get me to start asking you the questions that I needed to ask you in order for you to reveal to me the identify of the souls under the altar in Revelation 6:9-11. When Joseph and Marie were thrown in jail, they talked about judgment upon Babylon. Does that have anything to do with the great harlot Babylon mentioned in the book of Revelation?

God: What does she say in her heart?

John: Well, just before she is judged, she says, "I sit a queen, I am no widow, and I will see no sorrow" (Rev. 18:8). She is dead wrong about that third thing. But what do the first two things mean?

God: What's the wife of a king called?

John: A queen. Ok, so Babylon's husband is a king. That's what the first thing means. But what about the second thing?

God: What do you call a wife whose husband has died?

John: A widow. Ok, so Babylon is the wife of a king who is still living. What are you trying to tell me?

God: What sin is Babylon committing, and what does that tell you about her marital status?

John: Fornication. If it was adultery, she would be married to her husband. Since it is fornication, she must be betrothed to him. Ok, so Babylon is the betrothed wife of a king who is still living. I still don't get it. Can you give me another clue?

God: Who does she commit fornication with and what does that tell you about her husband?

John: She commits fornication with the kings of the earth. That tells me that her husband must be a king who is still living but is not of the earth. Is he the king of kings (Rev. 17:14), your son Jesus Christ?

God: Why was Paul jealous of the church at Corinth?

John: He was jealous of them with a godly jealousy, because he was betrothing them to one husband, to present them to Christ as a chaste virgin. Ok, I get it now. Babylon is the unfaithful betrothed wife of Christ, and those who come out from among her (Rev. 18:3-4) must make up the faithful betrothed wife of Christ. The betrothed wife of Christ must have split into two as soon as the greater part of her became unfaithful. Does Babylon have anything to do with the souls who are asking their Master when he is going to judge and avenge their blood?

God: What will the heavenly saints say right after I have judged Babylon?

John: Let me see ... chapter 19, verse 2 ... They will say, "True and righteous are his judgments, for he has judged the great harlot and has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand." Are your servants the souls under the altar?

God: Who are the souls under the altar talking to?

John: They are talking to their Master, and masters have servants. Ok, I get it now. Your servants, whose blood you will avenge, are those who are being sacrificed in the womb. I don't like this, because it means that the sacrificial victims are asking you when their blood will be avenged on those who dwell on the earth, and I dwell on the earth! This is bad news. Is there any good news in all of this?

God: In the book of Revelation, is there any good news for those who dwell on the earth?

John: Hmm ... let me do a search on the Greek word evangelion ... Why yes, there is good news. It's mentioned in Rev. 14:6. A heavenly angel has an everlasting evangel (a message of good news) to bring to those who dwell on the earth. But then he says that the hour of your judgment has come. Is that the good news?

God: Does it sound like good news?

John: It sure doesn't. It's the bad news that Joseph and Marie brought to us when they spoke of the judgment upon Babylon from their jail cells. So, the everlasting evangel must be something else. Can you tell me how this heavenly angel is going to bring us this everlasting evangel that he is holding?

God: What kind of heavenly angel communicates with a person on earth?

John: A guardian angel.

God: What does angel mean?

John: Messenger.

God: What does a messenger do?

John: A messenger brings a message from one person to another. Ok, so apparently, a guardian angel brings messages from you to his charge on earth.

God: Does a message have to be a statement or can it be a question?

John: It can be a question.

God: What kind of messages have you been receiving, statements or questions?

John: Why, they've all been questions, and I think you are my guardian angel! I've been asking God all these questions, and every message you have brought to me from God in return has been a question! Is that how God answers our questions?

God: Are you asking me or your guardian angel?

John: Oh yeah. I forgot. I need to ask God. Heavenly Father, do you answer our questions with questions?

God: How did Jesus answer questions?

John: With questions. So, you are my guardian angel, and that's why the altar was overturned on the Feast of the Guardian Angels. It prompted me to start asking God questions about what's under the altar in the book of Revelation. But the only messages from God that you're giving to me are questions. Are you the angel in Revelation 14:6-7?

God: Are you asking me or your guardian angel?

John: Oops. I forgot again. Heavenly Father, is my guardian angel holding an everlasting evangel?

God: Has he brought you any good news?

John: Well, no, he hasn't. But he hasn't brought me any other message in the form of a statement either. I think he's holding a scroll with the everlasting evangel written on it, but for some reason, he's not going to read it to me. Maybe, it's not in English. (LOL) Ok, I think I get it now. I just need to keep asking you questions, and eventually I will discern what the everlasting evangel is. That's how I've discerned everything else so far. I'll keep asking you questions and hopefully he will keep bringing me your answers, in the form of questions of course. Heavenly Father, what's the everlasting evangel?

God: What's the Gospel and what type of people does it need to be brought to?

John: The Gospel is the evangel that the Christ and son of living God has died for our sins according to scripture (1Co. 15:3, Acts 8:30-35, Isa. 53:1-12) and that he has risen from the dead on the third day according to scripture (1Co. 15:4, Acts 2:22-32, Psa. 16:8-10). The Christ is Jesus and the Gospel is good news, because those who believe it and are baptized will be saved from their sins (Mark 16:15-16). So, it doesn't need to be brought to the baptized, only the unbaptized. Is the everlasting evangel the Gospel?

God: Is everybody who dwells on the earth unbaptized?

John: Of course not. Over a quarter of us are baptized. So, the Gospel must be part of the everlasting evangel, the part that needs to be brought to the unbaptized, and the other part must be a new evangel that needs to be brought to the baptized. Ok, what's the new evangel?

God: What's the bad news?

John: Ah yes, of course, there can't be good news without bad news. The bad news is that fetal human sacrifices are happening on earth thousands of times per day and that the victims are asking you when their blood is going to be avenged on those who dwell on the earth and one day you will avenge their blood. When will you avenge their blood?

God: What am I telling my servants?

John: Well, it is being said to them that they should rest until they and their brethren, those about to be killed as they are, should have their number fulfilled (Rev. 6:11). That'll happen when the fetal human sacrifice is stopped. So, the new evangel must be that you are giving the beneficiaries of the most holy sacrifice an opportunity to participate in stopping the most unholy sacrifice. That's it! The blood of the sacrificial victims will not be avenged on the baptized who participate in stopping the sacrifice. That's why it's good news! But how do we participate in stopping the most unholy sacrifice?

God: Who is tempted to make each fetal human sacrifice?

John: The parents of the fetal human who is conceived in fornication. They're tempted to sacrifice their offspring to obtain for themselves the remission of their prenatal and postnatal support debt to their offspring. Maybe we can help them take away the temptation. When do they start getting tempted?

God: When do they incur their debt to their offspring?

John: When the male impregnates the female.

God: Which of the two finds out about the illegitimate pregnancy first?

John: The female.

God: What do you call someone who is owed something by a debtor?

John: Debtee?

God: Will that be debit or credit?

John: Huh? You're not a cashier. ... Oh wait, I see ... My debit account is what the bank owes me and my credit account is what I owe the bank ... So, someone who is owed something is a creditor. The offspring of the two debtors is their creditor. Ok, so what about these three again?

God: Why aren't other kinds of debtors tempted to kill their creditors?

John: Because even if they get away with murder, they will still have to pay off their debt. They'll just have to pay it to the creditor's estate instead of to the creditor. But no preborn creditor has an estate. So, what are you getting at?

God: How does the state know that a deceased creditor is a creditor?

John: Well, the deceased creditor must have filed some paperwork with the state to certify the fact that the debtor owes something to the creditor. ... Ok, I get it now. We can let the pregnant female certify the creditorship of her offspring, so that if anyone kills the creditor, the support debts, which are owed, will not be remitted but will instead be converted into reimbursement for wrongful death, payable to the caretakers of underprivileged children. That would take away the temptation of her and her boyfriend to sacrifice their offspring. But what if the boyfriend denies being the father?

God: Are scientists able to prove that he is the father?

John: Let me do some research. ... It appears that in the 2010's, advancements in DNA science led to the development of the non-invasive prenatal paternity, or NIPP, test. As early as 7 weeks gestation, the pregnant female can submit a blood sample. Then, if her boyfriend denies being the father, his DNA can be compared to her offspring's DNA in her blood, to confirm that he is the father. But it costs about $900. Taxpayers aren't going to want to pay that.

God: Who says that the taxpayers would pay it?

John: Nobody. I guess that was a false presumption on my part. Hmm ... Ok, I see now. The cost of the NIPP test can be paid for by the female who files a false claim of paternity or by the male who denies a true claim. That way, the cost will deter the female from filing a false claim and the male from denying a true claim. Ok, so I get it now. As soon as a female finds out that she is pregnant, she can certify the creditorship of her offspring. Then, as soon as she is at 7 weeks gestation, which is long before she begins to show, she can submit a blood sample, just in case her boyfriend denies being the father. Then, she can safely tell her boyfriend the news, as well as her parents if she is still living with them. That way, nobody will be tempted to pressure her to get an abortion. Nor will she be tempted to get one. Remove the temptation and the sin is not going to happen. Problem solved! I'll write this idea into a bill of law. ... Done. Now I'll write an online petition for it. ... Done. ... Looks like it's getting some signatures. But I don't like what I called the bill. It's too vague. What should I call it instead?

God: Who endows every person with certain unalienable rights?

John: You do, and that's what my country's declaration of independence says. It calls you the Creator.

God: What's the purpose of government, insofar as unalienable rights are concerned?

John: It's to protect every person's unalienable rights. Let me think. ... This bill is going to let every pregnant woman protect her own right to continue the pregnancy, to choose life for her offspring. Why that's it! We will call the bill the "Right to Choose Life Act." It is perfectly bipartisan, because it is both pro-choice and pro-life. Nobody will have a reason to oppose it, except I suppose, scumbags who want to get out of paying child support any time they make a girl pregnant. Since they're in the minority, it's just a matter of time before the RTCL Act gains the majority support that a bill needs to become law. What else can I do to spread the good news?

God: What's the good news?

John: Oh yeah, the new evangel. It needs to be brought to the baptized. I think I'll put it on a website, along with links to the bill and the petition. I think I'll call it, no wait, I think there might be a .life extension. ... There is. I'll call the website RightToChoose.Life. The new evangel is as follows: Every beneficiary of the most holy sacrifice is now invited to participate in stopping the most unholy sacrifice by signing the bipartisan petition to protect a woman's right to choose life. That's for the baptized. I'll also put the Gospel on the website for the unbaptized visitors. So, I guess there'll be new evangelists on the earth, since we will be bringing a new evangel to the baptized as we continue to bring the Gospel to the baptized. Those are the two parts of the everlasting evangel, which needs to be brought to those who dwell on the earth. The solution to the new problem of sin is to do the new evangelism.

Illustrated in the diagram below are the connections between the key verses that were covered in my conversations with God (Rev. 6:9-11, then 19:2, and then 14:6-7). The connection between Rev. 3:10 and Rev. 6:9-11 (through Luke 8:15) is included here. That came from a brother in Christ, as I'm not the only one, of course, who can receive wisdom from God.

[1] The wisdom-seeker's prayer is as follows: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. May thy kingdom come, and in thy timing give us the wisdom to solve the new problem of sin, so that thy will may be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And in this hour of temptation, show us the way of escape, so that we might be delivered from evil. Amen.