Fifth Event: Curious John receives the answer to his prayer. The answer is: God orchestrated the overturning of the altar, so that parishioners would look under the altar in St. John's inspired vision, tell God what they sees, and ask God in faith for the revelation of who the souls under the altar are.
Written by Curious John
We had relics under our altar, and the day before the incident there was an article in the Decatur Daily about the relics. That's why Father Joe's first thought was that the article may have been the reason why Marie and Joseph acted so irrationally. But since they never saw the article, the relics under our altar had nothing to do with them knocking it over.
When an altar is overturned, you can see what was under it. So, if the vision and subsequent overturning of our altar is a sign from God, then the sign means: Look what's under the altar in the vision of _____. What name do we put in the blank? Why, St. John of course. He was the only apostle who wrote, under inspiration, about something that he saw under the altar in a vision. It's his vision of the Fifth Seal (Rev. 6:9-11), and I think it may have something to do with why we Catholics put relics under our altars.
In his vision, St. John sees under the altar the souls of martyrs who had been killed. But it isn't clear as to who they are exactly. Nevertheless, I had received the answer to my prayer. I had been asking God for the reason why He overturned our altar; and the reason was so that we would look under the altar in my namesake's inspired vision, tell God what we see, namely, the souls of martyrs, and ask God in faith for the revelation of who the souls under the altar are.