Welcome to the official website of the right to choose life movement. If you are here to sign the petition to protect a woman's right to choose life, then please CLICK HERE. Leaders of the RTCL movement are new evangelists. New evangelists bring a new evangel to the baptized while continuing to bring the Gospel of Christ to the unbaptized. A new evangel is a new message of good news.
The New Evangel |
Every Christian is now invited to participate in stopping the continual human sacrifice. People participate by signing the bipartisan Right to Choose Life Petition. Whoever believes the new evangel and signs off on it will be clear from the blood of sacrificial victims, but whoever does not believe will not be clear. |
Evangelization is the act of bringing the Gospel of Christ (1Co. 15:3-4) to the unbaptized. Whoever believes it and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will not be saved (Mark 16:15-16). New evangelization is the act of bringing the new evangel to the baptized while continuing to bring the Gospel of Christ to the unbaptized.
Origin of the New Evangelization |
God orchestrated the overturning of the altar during a Mass in 2005, so that a curious parishioner could receive the new evangel. |
We can know that God orchestrated it by the fact that nobody, except for God, can make up the stuff that happened in the days leading up to the overturning of the altar during Mass on the Feast of the Guardian Angels in 2005.
It happened at the Annunciation of the Lord catholic church in Decatur, Alabama.
The "Annunciation of the Lord" is the important announcement which was made by an angel to a betrothed virgin in a vision and to her husband in a dream. The following is the background behind that remarkable vision and dream.
A betrothed virgin, whose given name was Mary, saw the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:29) the same way the Jewish priest saw him (v12), which was in a vision (v22). The angel made this announcement to her: that she was chosen to conceive the Son of God in her womb miraculously, without losing her virginity. The angel also told Mary that her cousin, whose given name was Elizabeth, was pregnant despite being well beyond childbearing age, and was in her sixth month of pregnancy. This was told to Mary, so that she would know all things are possible with God. If Elizabeth, who was the wife of the priest, could miraculously become pregnant, then Mary could too. Mary left home to go see Elizabeth, and sure enough, she was six months pregnant. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months before returning home. Then her husband, whose given name was Joseph, found out that Mary was pregnant (Mat. 1:18). Figuring that she must have committed fornication, and not wanting to make her a public example (Deu. 22:14), Joseph made plans to put her away privately (Deu. 24:1).
But then Joseph had a remarkable dream of an angel making the same annunciation to him that was made to Mary, that she had conceived the Son of God in her womb miraculously, without losing her virginity. Joseph would end up doing what the angel told him to do, which was to take his wife Mary into his home. But before he did that, he would have had to meet with her. If he was wise, then before he told her about his dream, he would have asked her who her child's father is, knowing that she would not answer "God" unless that was true. Mary would have had to tell him about her vision and that she had conceived the Son of God miraculously, without losing her virginity. That would have confirmed the authenticity of his dream. The two of them would then act on their vision and dream by bearing and raising the Son of God together.
In Hartselle, Alabama, a divorced woman, whose second given name was Marie, had a remarkable dream on Tuesday, September 27, 2005 (give or take a day). She dreamt that she and her live-in boyfriend, whose second given name was Joseph, were tearing apart a church. She did not tell Joseph about it. Then, on Friday of that week, Joseph had a vision of the same thing Marie dreamt about, the two of them tearing apart a church! Then, he told her about his vision, and she told him about her dream. They were stunned! Consumed by the coincidence, they agreed that God must be wanting them to spread a message. They told their two friends, a married couple that they were living with, whose second given names were Beth, which is short for Elizabeth, and Eugene, which means well-born (Gr. eu-genes), an adjective describing one who was born into a good class of people (like the Jewish priesthood for example).
Marie and Joseph would act on their dream and vision the following Sunday morning. That's when they and their two friends drove to Decatur and pulled into the parking lot of the Annunciation of the Lord catholic church. Then, they went inside during the 11 A.M. Mass, not knowing what they were going to do. It was about 11:40 when Marie and Joseph sat in the front pew. The others remained in the back of the church. Communion was given to the parishioners at about 11:45, and then everything was put away at about 11:50. That's when Marie went up to the sanctuary and began to preach out loud to the parishioners about idol worship. Joseph went up to the sanctuary too, but it wasn't to preach. It was to overturn the altar, causing it to fall off the sanctuary and smash into pieces on the floor below.
The parishioners were outraged! Marie, Joseph, Beth, and Eugene were arrested and taken to jail. The chief of police went to that church, as did the mayor, who made the understatement of the year when he said, "This certainly doesn't appear to be a rational act." People tried to make sense of the incident. The priest thought that the vandals might have been responding to an article in the local paper the previous day. It was about the relics under the altar (see Figure 1). But the vandals did not read the article. Others thought that it's just the way that southern Bible belters think of Catholics. But the vandals were New Englanders, having recently moved to Alabama, and Marie was raised Catholic. She thought that God elevated their abilities, because she doesn't like to speak in front of crowds, and Joseph was not strong enough to lift a 500-pound altar. She said, "God allowed us to be his puppets."
Figure 1 - Bishop Foley installs the relics under the altar just before the Dedication Mass in 2003.
After the incident, the priest led the parishioners in prayer, asking God to help them make sense out of something so senseless. One of the parishioners, whose second given name was John, would end up making sense out of it. John became curious when he noticed all the connections between the altar incident and the Annunciation (ie. Marie/Mary, dream/vision, Beth/Elizabeth, Joseph/Joseph, vision/dream, and Annunciation/Annunication). The odds of the four names lining up are 40 million to 1. The curious layman knew that nobody could make that stuff up, except for the God who orchestrated the Annunciation of the Lord. So, John prayed, asking God why He overturned the altar. The answer was to get John to look under the altar in his namesake's inspired vision (Rev. 6:9-11), tell God what he sees, and ask God in faith for the revelation of who the souls under the altar are.
After discerning the altar incident as a sign from God, John proceeded to do the following.
On November 23, 2008, John saw a video about the fifth seal (Rev. 6:9-11). It made him realize why God had orchestrated the overturning of the altar. It was to get a layman in that church to look under the altar in St. John's inspired vision, tell God what he sees, and ask God in faith for the revelation of who the souls under the altar are. Asking in faith means believing that you will receive the revelation (Mat. 21:22, Mark 11:24), and nobody had more faith than John; because he knew that God wouldn't orchestrate the overturning of the altar if it wasn't to give someone the revelation of who the souls under the altar are. John would receive the revelation in about four months, and it would turn out to be bad news for those of us who are living on the earth.
On March 22, 2009, something happened, which confirmed that John had received the revelation of who the souls under the altar are (Rev. 6:9-11). They are young victims of a continual human sacrifice which is happening today. We can know that it's a human sacrifice by the fact the souls are under the place of sacrifice, which is the altar (v9). We can know that the sacrifice is continual by the fact that the souls under the altar have brethren who are about to be killed as they were (v11). We can know that they are young victims by the fact that they did not wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb to whiten them, like the saints before the throne did (Rev. 7:14). Rather, the souls under the altar are being given new white robes (Rev. 6:11).
If they had washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, then it would have meant that they lived long enough to incur the guilt of personal sin, thereby necessitating that they wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ) to whiten them. But because they are being given new white robes, it means that they were killed before they were old enough to incur the guilt of personal sin. In other words, they are YOUNG victims of a continual human sacrifice. Very few infants are being killed today. However, thousands of fetuses are killed in the womb each day by abortion. John was hoping that fetuses do not have souls.
But on February 12, 2015, something happened, which confirmed in John's mind that fetuses do have souls from the moment of implantation (if not sooner). We can know this by the fact that Adam became a living soul when the breath of life was breathed into him (Gen. 2:7) and oxygen is breathed into an embryo the moment it has implanted in the womb. This is confirmed in the account of Elijah raising the widow's son from the dead (1Ki. 17:17-24). The soul left the boy's body when he stopped breathing, and the soul came back into his body when he started breathing again.
Also, the law of jealousy (Num. 5:12-31) was not about abortion being done in the temple. Verse 28 says that if the wife, who drank the potion in the temple, had been faithful, then she would be "sown with seed" (Heb. zara zera). This proves that the wife had not yet been sown with seed at the time she was taken to the temple. It must have been understood that if God had to put the spirit of jealousy on the husband (because of his wife's adultery), then God would do it before the wife was sown with the adulterer's seed. Abortions were never done in the temple.
It should also be noted that the souls under the altar cry out to their "Master" (Gr. despotes) rather than to their "Lord" (Gr. kyrios). This is the only time, in all of St. John's inspired writings, that he wrote despotes. In comparison, he wrote kyrios 77 times. This confirms that the sacrificial victims are not baptized Christians (not to mention the fact that they aren't asking for their killers to be forgiven). The fact that the human sacrifice is happening today is bad news for us, because it means that the victims are asking when their blood will be avenged on us (Rev. 6:10), and when God stops the sacrifice (v11), He will avenge their blood (Rev. 19:2).
On November 1, 2012, John told his priest who the souls under the altar are and that he prays for them every month of all souls, which is November. John prays for them, because he believes that they are in a state of death similar to purgatory and that they cannot leave that state until the continual human sacrifice is stopped. Therefore, when he prays for them, he asks God to show us how we can help Him stop the sacrifice. At first, John thought we just need to keep trying to convince everyone around us to vote only for "pro-life" legislators and executives, especially since we always vote on or shortly after All Souls Day (November 2).
But it was becoming increasingly evident to John that the "pro-life" movement was never going to obtain the majority support that is needed to make abortion illegal, especially in states like California, Colorado, Illinois, and New York. John learned that we cannot ban abortion, because of the simple fact that the majority rule and the majority are opposed to banning it. A big reason why they are opposed is because there is no way to justly punish abortion if it was banned. John learned the way to justly punish abortion in a perfect world. It depended on knowing a person's intention; and because that's not possible in our imperfect world, there is no way we can justly punish abortion if it was banned.
But John heard about a type of abortion that has always been banned. It is forced abortion; and even though it's illegal, a few people were saying that it still happens. So, John began to pray for the souls who are killed by forced abortion, with the hope of getting an answer from God as to whether it happens and if so what we can do to participate with God in stopping it.
One day, John saw the picture below; and he was intrgued. Knowing that it might be an important piece of evidence, he saved it. It's a picture of a "pro-choice" man holding a homemade sign at a counterprotest. The sign says, "Abortion stops me from paying child support." This is the motive behind a man forcing his pregnant girlfriend to get an abortion. It's the incentive for forced abortion. Forced abortion is also easy to get away with; because if the victim reports it, the accused person can simply deny having threatened her. Presumption of innocence makes it easy for the guilty one to get away with it. The evidence that forced abortion happens is that it is incentivized and it is easy to get away with.
But that is not enough evidence to prove that forced abortion happens. For proof, we turn to two studies. A 2023 study by the Lozier institute shows that 70% percent of abortions have at least some element of coercion, and a 2022 Harvard study shows that murder is a leading cause of death for pregnant women. The motive for this type of murder (double homicide) is the same as it is for forced abortion: to avoid having to pay child support. See RTCL Martyrs for the stories of such murder victims. Forced abortion happens often, because it's incentivized and it's easy to get away with. The only way we might be able to stop it is if there is a way we can disincentize it.
Sometime before February 21, 2018, John learned that advancements in DNA science had made it possible to obtain DNA evidence from a pregnant woman, proving paternity. It is called the non-invasive prenatal paternity test. The way the NIPP test works is that a woman, who is at least 7 weeks pregnant, gives up a blood sample and the name of the man who made her pregnant. Then their offspring's DNA, which is in the blood sample, can be compared to the father's DNA, thereby proving that he is in fact the father. The NIPP test is good news, because the fact that a 7-week pregnant female is now able to submit proof of paternity means that we are now able to craft a law, which would potentially stop forced abortion.
The proposed law would give every pregnant female the option to certify the creditorship of her offspring (the fact that he or she is owed prenatal and postnatal support), so that if anybody was to kill the creditor, the prenatal and postnatal support debts would not be forgiven, but would instead be converted into reimbursement for wrongful death, payable to the caretaker(s) of the child(ren) specified on the certificate of creditorship, or if none are specified then to the caretakers of the children known by the state to be underprivileged. The female who exercises this option would want to submit proof of paternity, in the form of a blood sample. This would disincentivize forced abortion, thereby eliminating the possibility of the crime happening.
In 2020, John wrote the first version of the bill. He also wrote an online petition, which was signed by about 200 people. After creating the petition in 2020, John began to receive some help from some of us who were reading and signing the petition. We would find errors in the bill and would often provide helpful suggestions to John on how to fix the errors. We also worked with God, through prayer, to fix errors in the bill. The current version of the bill was completed in 2023. It is called the Right to Choose Life Act, because it would protect a woman's right to choose life. John was also able to update the petition in 2023, because the basic idea behind the bill proposal has not changed. It was clear that the bill would stop forced abortion (by disincentivizing it). What was not clear is whether the bill would do anything to stop elective abortion.
It was in the Spring of 2024 that we learned another good thing about the bipartisan Right to Choose Life Act. Besides being a type of abortion, forced abortion is also a type of reproductive coercion (see Figure 2 below). As such, it is the common evil that both pro-choice and pro-life people oppose. Therefore, there is no legitimate reason for anyone to oppose the Right to Choose Life Act. The two excuses that people try to use for not signing the petition are: 1. that forced abortion doesn't happen, and 2. that no woman will exercise the option. Neither is a legitimate excuse. It is proven above that forced abortion happens often, and if a woman does not exercise the option, then at least we will be clear from the blood of her offspring; because we will have done everything in our power to save the life of her offspring.
Here is the beauty of the Right to Choose Life Act. If the pregnant woman exercises the option (to certify the creditorship of her offsprig), then not only would she be disincentivizing forced abortion, but she would also be disincentivizing elective abortion. That's because it's not only the postnatal support debt that would be certified, but also the prenatal support debt. Pro-choice people oppose forced pregnancy and pro-life people oppose elective abortion. The Venn diagram in Figure 3 below shows the two conditions necessary for forced pregnancy to happen and the two conditions necessary for elective abortion to happen. The common condition is the woman's desire/incentive to get an abortion (the incentive being the remission of her prenatal support debt). If elective abortion is disincentived, then she will have no desire/incentive to get an abortion; and therefore, neither a forced pregnancy nor an elective abortion will take place.
Hence, the Right to Choose Life Act is not only the way to stop forced abortion, but it is also the way to stop forced pregnancy and elective abortion too. Only God could give us such an idea for a bill, and that's exactly what He did. It's a bill which changes the hearts and minds of women, and no man ever could have written it if God had not orchestrated the overturning of the altar during Mass at an Alabama catholic church.
In 2023, we learned that forced abortion is the most unholy sacrifice. Here is why. A sacrifice is an act of giving up something to obtain something else for oneself or for others (Collins Dictionary). As Christians, we knew that the Most Holy Sacrifice was the act of giving up one's own life to obtain for others the remission of their debts to God. Only God's Son, Jesus Christ, was qualified to make the Most Holy Sacrifice, and he made it almost two thousand years ago (Mat. 6:12, 26:28; John 15:13). The opposite is the most unholy sacrifice. It is the act of giving up the life of another to obtain for oneself the remission of one's debt to the other.
We incur debts "as a result of doing something" (Collins Dictionary). The only thing a man does, which results in him incurring a postnatal support debt to his offspring, is to impregnate a female. Therefore, a man incurs a postnatal support debt when he impregnates a female; and if she consented to the act which caused the pregnancy, then she incurs a prenatal suppor debt to their offspring. Support consists of the essentials of life (oxygen, water, food, protection, and care when needed). If a man forces his pregnant girlfriend to get an abortion, then he gives up the life of their offspring to obtain for himself the remission of his postnatal support debt to their offspring. That is the most unholy sacrifice.
We also learned that the "everlasting evangel" for those who live on earth (Rev. 14:6) consists of the Gospel of Christ for the unbaptized who live on earth plus this new evangel for the baptized who live on earth, the new evangel being that we, who are beneficiaries of the Most Holy Sacrifice, are now able to participate with God in stopping the most unholy sacrifice, by signing the THE PETITION TO PROTECT A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE LIFE. We realized that the revelation of the everlasting evangel began with the overturning of the altar at John's church on the Feast of the Guardian Angels. It's for that reason that John believes that his guardian angel is the one who holds the everlasting evangel (Rev. 14:6).
As for bringing the new evangel to the baptized, we learned a couple of things. First, people will not believe the new evangel unless it is announced to them in the house of God. Since, bishops and elders are in charge of what gets announced in the house of God, the new evangelization must begin with church leadership. The second thing that we learned is that a new evangelist is not accepted in his own church. Therefore, those of us who become new evangelists will have to bring the new evangel to the leadership of churches that we do not belong to. That way, we do unto other churches what we want done unto our own church.
John did those things over the course of nineteen years. It took a long time, because there was a lot to learn, not to mention he kept trying to forget about the altar incident. But he could never forget about it; because every time he would attend Mass, right after communion, he would be reminded of the overturning of the altar and the fact that God had orchestrated it. God orchestrated the overturning of the altar, so that a curious layman could receive the revelation of who the souls under the altar are (Rev. 6:9-11).
New Evangel |
Every beneficiary of the Most Holy Sacrifice is now invited to participate in stopping the most unholy sacrifice by signing THE PETITION TO PROTECT A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE LIFE. |
On July 13, 2024, we confirmed that "the mystery of iniquity" (2Th. 2:7), aka "the operation of Satan" (2Th. 2:9), is the operation of human sacrifice that is described in the fifth seal of St. John's Revelation (Rev. 6:9-11). Therefore, we can restate the new evangel as follows.
New Evangel (Simpler Version) |
Every Christian is now invited to participate in shutting down Satan's operation of human sacrifice by signing THE PETITION TO PROTECT A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE LIFE. |
Whoever believes the new evangel and signs off on it will be clear from the blood of the sacrificial victims, but whoever does not believe will not be clear. Notice the similarity between the consequences of believing or not believing the new evangel and the consequences of believing or not beliving the Gospel (Mark 16:16).
An evangel is a message of good news. The best evangel is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An evangelist is a messenger who brings the best evangel to the unbaptized. A new evangelist is a messenger who brings a new evangel to the baptized, while continuing to bring the best evangel (the Gospel of Christ) to the unbaptized. The new evangelization is the act of bringing a new evangel to the baptized while continuing to bring the best evangel to the unbaptized. Each new evangelist brings the new evangel to the leadership of churches that he or she does NOT belong to. That's because new evangelists are not accepted in their own church, and by evangelizing other churches, they do unto other churches what they want done unto their own church. Again, the new evangel is as follows:
Every Christian is now invited to participate in shutting down Satan's operation of human sacrifice by signing THE PETITION TO PROTECT A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE LIFE.
If you have read all the stuff written above and you still don't believe the new evangel enough to sign the PETITION TO PROTECT A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE LIFE, then please contact John via the email icon below, letting him know why you think the new evangel is false. You may also contact Daniel Schmude, the first new evangelist to run for legislative office on the Right to Choose Life Act. He ran in 2024, losing in the primary. His campaign website is RightToChoose.Life/Daniel. Thank you for visiting our website, and may God bless you.