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RTCL Petition |
224 Signatures
The RTCL Apostolate
You do not have to be a Gospel-believer to sign the RTCL Petition. But if you have signed it and you are a Gospel-believer, then you are eligible to
become a member of the New Evangelical Commission. The NEC is commissioned to bring the Gospel of Christ to every unbaptized person (Mark 16:15-16)
and the new evangel to every Gospel-believer.
The Gospel of Christ
The best news in the world is the Gospel of Christ, also known simply as "the Gospel." The twelve disciples of Jesus the Nazorean came to believe and know that
he is the prophesied Christ (or Messiah), the son of the living God (John 6:69). After he rose from the dead, he told them to go out into all the world and proclaim the
Gospel to every person (Mark 16:15); and those who would believe it and be baptized would be saved from their sins, while those who would not believe it would be
condemned for their sins (Mark 16:16).
The Gospel was summarized by the apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians. It is that the Christ died for our sins according to scripture (1Co. 15:3, Isa. 53:1-12, Acts 8:27-39) and that he rose from the dead on the third day according to scripture (1Co. 15:4, Psa. 16:8-10, Acts 2:22-36). Baptized Gospel-believers also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38); and they will receive eternal life if they maintain their relationship with Jesus Christ (John 3:16, 15:1-11).
The New Evangel
The new evangel is the second best news in the world. The best is that the Messianic sacrifice (Isa. 53:1-12, Dan. 9:26) and resurrection (Psa. 16:8-10) have
taken place (1Co. 15:3-4). The second best is that the Church has been given the idea for a bill of law which would cause the anti-messianic sacrifice to cease
(see Figure 1). The idea was given to us, because wisdom is given to those who ask for it faithfully in prayer (Mark 11:24, James 1:5-7). The idea has been received and
written into a bipartisan bill of law which would take away the efficacy of the anti-messianic sacrifice, thereby causing it to cease.
Figure 1 - The NEC business/prayer card
The bipartisan bill is called the Right to Choose Life Act, because it empowers every pregnant woman to protect her right to choose life by certifying the creditorship of her offspring, so that no boyfriend or parent would have the motive to make her to get an abortion. It would also take away her own temptation to get an abortion. By taking away that motive and that temptation, the RTCL Act would take away the efficacy of the anti-messianic sacrifice, which is its power to absolve prenatal and postnatal support debts (see 'The Most Unholy Sacrifice' under the 'Topics' menu). By taking away the efficacy of the most unholy sacrifice, the RTCL Act would cause it to cease.
The new evangel can also be called the "eternal evangel" (Rev. 14:6); because it means that "the hour of his judgment has come" (Rev. 14:7), that is, the time has come for God to judge fornicators and adulterers according to scripture (Heb. 13:4). It has come thanks to recent advancements in DNA science, which enable every pregnant woman to submit proof of paternity long before she even begins to show. Once upon a time, the Lawgiver (Isa. 33:22, Jam. 4:12) used anatomical science to judge the female participant in fornication (Deu. 22:13-21). Now, He is using DNA science to judge the male participant (John 7:51, 1Ti. 1:9). Not only is DNA science used to convict the guilty, but it is also used to acquit the innocent.
Like the Gospel of Christ, which comes with an obligation and a promise to its believers (baptism and salvation respectively), the new evangel comes with an obligation and a promise. The obligation is that we sign the petition for the RTCL Act, and the promise is that we will cause the anti-messianic sacrifice to cease. Also like the Gospel, it is bad for those who do not believe (Mark 16:16); because those who do not believe the new evangel will be enabling the anti-messianic sacrifice to continue. One other similarity is that both the Gospel and the new evangel are hard to believe.
How it Began: Our Founder Asks For and is Given a Talent
The founder of the RTCL apostolate, the NEC, is a man whose pen name is Abel. (His real name will be revealed after the apostolate gets off the ground).
When Abel saw that RTC and RTL Gospel-believers were never going to agree on what to do about abortion, he began asking God in faith for the wisdom of
what we ought to do about abortion (Jam. 1:5-6, Mark 11:24). Over the course of a few years, each piece of the wisdom was given to Abel through
someone who had it; and once he put all the pieces together, he had the wisdom he asked of God.
Abel knows that; because once he learned that the wisdom would cause the anti-messianic sacrifice to cease, he knew that he had asked according to God's will. If we know that "we ask according to God's will," then we know that "God hears us" (1Jo. 5:14); and "if we know that he hears us, then we know that we have the thing we asked of him" (1Jo. 5:15). That's how Abel knows that he has the wisdom that he asked of God.
Therefore, when Abel was given the wisdom, he was given a "talent" (Mat. 25:15); and the talent is in the form of the idea for the Right to Choose Life Act. But he didn't know how to invest such a talent. How does one person sell it and another buy it? So, he asked God, in prayer, for advice on how to invest the talent; and Abel wrote the answer which he received into a flow chart which is linked here (the large box in the bottom middle was originally missing). The talent is invested by selling others on the idea and by them buying into it. They buy into it by signing the RTCL petition.
From Investing the Talent to Evangelizing Gospel-Believers
When Abel first tried to sell Gospel-believers on the talent (the idea for the RTCL Act), he failed because they would ignore the idea. They would ignore it,
because they did not believe the good news concerning the idea, that we are now able to cause abortion to stop (see Table 1). They did not believe the
good news, because they already had one of two preconceived notions about abortion, either that making it illegal is the only way to stop it (the conservative
RTL notion) or that there is no way to stop it, only a way to slow it down (the progressive RTC notion).
To be successful investing the talent, it is necessary to point out the bad news, that a negative consequence awaits those who do not believe the good news. Just as condemnation for every sin awaits those who do not believe the Gospel (Mark 16:16), condemnation for one sin awaits those who do not believe the talent's good news (the sin of enabling the anti-messianic sacrifice to continue). Of course, we don't know whether they would be condemned to hell or to "prison" (Mat. 5:25, 1Pe. 3:19), only that they would be condemned (in one of the two ways) if they enable the anti-messianic sacrifice to continue by ignoring the talent's good news.
That's why Abel inserted the negative consequence into his talent-investing flow chart. We changed some of the wording, so that it is is now the new evangelization flow chart shown in Figure 1. The negative consequence (in this life) is that Gospel-believers who do not believe the new evangel could end up seeing a large 31x48 inch graphic image of the anti-messianic sacrifice outside their place of worship, to would remind them that they are enabling the anti-messianic sacrifice to continue. Even though that would shame the adult congregants in front of their children, shaming them is not the purpose as we will now explain.
Figure 1 - New evangelization flow chart. Click image to see it enlarged.
Because the Gospel was difficult to believe, it was necessary to point out that a negative consequence awaits unbelieving theists, namely that they will be condemned for every sin of theirs (Mark 16:16). The purpose of condemnation is not to punish unbelieving theists for ignoring the Gospel, but to prevent them from ignoring it. Likewise, the purpose of the graphic image is not to shame unbelieving Gospel-believers for ignoring the new evangel but to prevent them from ignoring it. Our goal is to never display the image. It's just as much of a bad reflection on the new evangelist as it is on the unbelieving Gospel-believer.
The New Evangelization
As baptized Gospel-believers, we are commissioned to bring the Gospel to every unbaptized person, knowing that those who believe and are baptized will
be saved from their sins, but those who do not believe will be condemned for their sins (Mark 16:15-16). As members of the NEC, we are also commissioned to
bring the new evangel to every Gospel-believer, knowing that those who believe and sign its associated petition will cause the anti-messianic sacrifice to cease,
but those who do not believe will enable it to continue. (As explained earlier, not believing good news is synonymous with ignoring it.)
The new evangel is that the Church is now able to cause the anti-messianic sacrifice to cease. The new evangelist carries out the new evangelization in three steps: 1. Evangelize the pastor of a Gospel-believing organization (or GBO for short), 2. Ask the pastor for permission to evangelize his GBO, and 3. Evangelize his GBO. Then, the three steps are repeated for every other GBO. The new evangelization requires that there be at least one neo-evangelist, one supervisor (who is not a member of the GBO), and one sign (showing a graphic image of the anti-messianic sacrifice).
The first GBO to be evangelized is the one that is called the "Catholic Church," because it is the oldest GBO (at least it is in the West). Also, Catholics have graphic images of the Messianic sacrifice (called crucifixes) in their place of worship. So, they cannot accuse the supervisor of inappropriate conduct when he (or she) holds the graphic sign outside their place of worship. The first supervisor in each city cannot be a Catholic, because then the first pastor to be evangelized (a priest) could halt the new evangelization by simply ordering the supervisor to not show up with the graphic sign. (Catholics are obliged to obey orders, unless it's an unlawful one.)
The first neo-evangelist in each city could be a a non-Catholic, but it is better for him (or her) to be a Catholic, so that the first pastor will be more likely to listen to the neo-evangelist. The first supervisor (a non-Catholic) sets the deadline for each of the three steps to be carried out. The supervisor must be on call to show up with the sign at the place of worship on the Lord's Day if the GBO fails to take the step by the deadline. By failing to take the step, the pastor is (or the congregants are) enabling the anti-messianic sacrifice to continue.
That is why the image of the most unholy sacrifice would be displayed. (BTW, we call it the most unholy sacrifice to Catholics because they attend "the most holy sacrifice of the mass"). Not only does the diplaying of the image punish the pastor (or congregants) for his (or their) failure to take the necessary step, but it also punishes the neo-evangelist for his (or her) failure to help the GBO take that step. The neo-evangelist must attend every worship service that the supervisor shows up at, so that he (or she) can explain to the congregants (as they enter and as they exit) why the graphic image is being displayed at their place of worship.
Once the first GBO has been evangelized, the ne-evangelist and supervisor can switch roles so that the non-Catholic GBO can be evangelized (the one that the ex-supervisor is a member of). If you are interested in becoming a neo-evangelist or a supervisor for your city (or a sign maker), then please contact us by clicking the email icon below.