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RTCL Petition |
224 Signatures
The following was written by a new evangelist in 2023
A Mystery of Lawlessness Revealed
In the apostasy prophecy, written in about 50 AD, the apostle Paul wrote that the mystery of lawlessness (Gr. anomia) was already operating (Gr. energeo)
but that it was being restrained (Gr. katecho), and that it would continue to be restrained until the restrainer is taken out of the way. The following
is the text of that prophecy from the KJV. As a convention, we will underline each word of interest, putting next to it in parenthesis, the italicized Greek word which the
English word was translated from.
KJV (2Th. 2:3-10) |
3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6And now ye know what withholdeth (ho katecho) that he might be revealed in his time. 7For the mystery of iniquity (anomia) doth already work (energeo): only he who now letteth (o katecho) will let until he be taken out of the way. 8And then shall that Wicked (anomos) be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9Even him, whose coming is after (kata) the working (energeia) of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. |
Who and what was restraining?
In verse 6, the Greek ho katecho means that a "what" is restraining; but in verse 7, the Greek o katecho means that a "who" is also restraining, specifically a "he". It
is understood that the "he" is a spiritual being, such as the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, or Michael the archangel. But assuming we are in the time of the apostasy, we care not who was
restraining but what was restraining. That's because we cannot see when the "who" was "taken out of the way" (v7). We can only see when the "what" stopped restraining; because
the "what" is a law, and we can see when that law was repealed and therefore stopped restraining.
Paul told Timothy (1Ti. 1:9) that the law (Gr. nomos) was made for the lawless (Gr. anomos). By this we can know that the law is what restrains (ho katecho in v6) a lawless one (anomos in v8), such as the man of sin, and lawless activity, such as the mystery of lawlessness (anomia in v7). So, he who was restraining restrained by imposing a law on those who dwell on the earth until he was "taken out of the way" (v7), at which time that law was repealed on the earth. When it was repealed, the mystery of lawlessness, which had been operating (energeo in v7) at low capacity for almost 2000 years, suddenly started operating at high capacity.
Therefore, we are looking for when a certain law was repealed, thereby causing a sudden increase in a certain lawless activity. That law is what was restraining and that lawless activity is the mystery of lawlessness. The "operation of Satan" (v9) is the mystery of lawlessness; because an operation (energeia in v9) is something that operates, and the mystery of lawlessness was said to be operating (energeo in v7).
Finally, we should note that the preposition kata in verse 9 often means "against" rather than "according to" or "after" as the KJV puts it. Since the coming of the Lord cannot be according to the operation of Satan, the KJV starts verse 9 with the italicized words "Even him" ("him" being a reference to the man of sin). But if we translate kata as "against," then we can omit the two italicized words at the start of verse 9, thereby making it clear that the coming of the Lord is against the operation of Satan, aka the mystery of lawlessness.
What is the mystery of lawlessness?
"There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries" (Dan. 2:28), and during the time of the apostasy, He reveals the mystery of lawlessness to at least one of us.
I wanted it to be someone other than me, someone who has an audience. But because the mystery is an operation, it needed to be revealed to someone who is skilled at figuring out how a given thing
operates and how to shut down the operation. As an engineer, I happen to meet those qualifications. Plus, I'm a man of faith, I like to solve puzzles, and I pray over the inspired prophecies a lot.
So it is that I was chosen to have the mystery of lawlessness revealed to me. But the first thing that was revealed to me is the most unholy sacrifice. It is the antithesis of the Most Holy Sacrifice. The remission of "sins" against God (Luke 11:4) is the same as the remission of "debts" to God (Mat. 6:12); and the Most Holy Sacrifice was the one-time sacrifice of God's Son "for many for the remission" of their debts to God (Mat. 26:28). Therefore, the most unholy sacrifice is the continual sacrifice of humans for many for the remission of their debts to the humans. That's what abortion is.
Each abortion is the sacrifice of a human for two debtors for the remission of their support debts to the human. Every debt is incurred "as a result of doing something" (see definition of "incur" in the MacMillan dictionary). So, once a male has impregnated a female, he has incurred a support debt because he has done the thing which results in him owing child support. He has not begun to pay his debt, but he has incurred the debt nonetheless.
If the female consented to the act which caused the pregnancy, then she has also incurred a support debt; but unlike the male, she begins to pay her debt immediately. For nine months, she pays her debt by providing their unborn offspring with the necessities of life (oxygen, water, nutrients, and shelter). After the nine months, he begins to pay his debt by providing their offspring with the necessities of life, and it is good for her to help him pay his debt as much as she can.
The two support debts (prenatal and postnatal) are based off the two sorrows (Heb. 'itsabon) in Genesis 3:16-17. The female owes it to their offspring to endure the sorrow of supporting their offspring until the moment he or she is born, and the male owes it to their offspring to endure the sorrow of toiling to support their offspring after he or she has been born. Since they owe their support debts to their offspring, their offspring is their creditor.
It is wrong for any debtor to be able to get his debt remitted by putting his creditor to death, but that is exactly what the two debtors are able to do. The male is able to get his support debt remitted by convincing the female "to get an abortion," that is, to put their offspring to death; and the female is able to get the rest of her support debt remitted "by getting an abortion," that is, by putting their offspring to death.
I doubt there will ever be a greater mystery of lawlessness than the most unholy sacrifice, because it is the antithesis of the Most Holy Sacrifice. Furthermore, at the time the apostasy prophecy was written, the most unholy sacrifice was "already operating" (ede energeo in v7). Later in that first century AD, a law was written by the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. It stated the following: "Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion, nor kill from birth" (The Didache, ch 2, vs 2). That law is the basis for every law which restricts or bans abortion. Every such abortion law "restrains" (katecho in v7) the most unholy sacrifice.
Around 1970, depending on the country, abortion laws began to be repealed, thereby causing a dramatic increase in the number of most unholy sacrifices being made per day. (Before Roe v. Wade, NARAL stood for the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws.) There is also a reason why the most unholy sacrifice was kept secret in the first place; and that was to keep "workers of lawlessness" (Mat. 7:23) from getting the idea to sacrifice their offspring. Finally, there is a reason why the most unholy sacrifice was not revealed until now; and that will be explained in the next section.
For all those reasons, I am certain that the restrainer was "taken out of the way" (v7) around 1970 and that the most unholy sacrifice is the mystery of lawlessness (v7), aka the operation of Satan (v9). But don't take my word for it. Pray about it yourself, and if you come to realize that nothing else could possibly be the mystery of lawlessness, then God will have revealed to you what He has revealed to me, that the most unholy sacrifice is the mystery of lawlessness. But the most important thing is that we are now able take away the efficacy of the most unholy sacrifice, thereby causing it to cease.
How can we shut down the operation of Satan?
A Spanish proverb says, "Quitada la causa, se quita el pecado" (Quijote, II, 67). It means that if we "take away the cause" of a sin, then "the sin is taken away." It's a proverb about cause and
effect. The effect is a sin, and the cause is the motive to commit the sin. If you take away the motive to commit the sin, then the sin will not be committed. This proverb is the key to shutting
down the secret operation of Satan.
First, we need to categorize abortion into two types: forced abortion, which is making a woman get an abortion against her will, and elective abortion, which is a woman getting an abortion according to her will. The motive for each type of abortion is related to the efficacy of the most unholy sacrifice. The motive for forced abortion is the remission of a postnatal support debt, the motive for elective abortion is the remission of a prenatal support debt, and the efficacy of the most unholy sacrifice is its power to remit those two support debts.
To shut down the secret operation of Satan is to cause the most unholy sacrifice to cease; and the way we cause any sacrifice to cease is by taking away its efficacy. When we take away the efficacy of the most unholy sacrifice (its power to remit the two support debts), we will be taking away the motive for each type of abortion (the remission of a support debt), thereby causing each type of abortion to stop being procured.
To take away the efficacy of the most unholy sacrifice, let each pregnant woman certify the creditorship of her unborn offspring. In other words, let her certify the fact that she and the progenitor of her offspring owe a support debt to their offspring and that these support debts must not be forgiven if someone was to kill their offspring by abortion or otherwise. Instead, the support debts would be converted into reimbursement for wrongful death, payable to the caretakers of the child(ren) specified by her on the certificate of creditorship. Liability for the reimbursement would depend on who was responsible for the wrongful death.
Until recently, it was not possible for a woman to certify the creditorship of her unborn offspring, because it was not possible for her to prove who the progenitor is. That changed in the 2010's with the development of a DNA test called the non-invasive prenatal paternity, or NIPP, test. The NIPP test enables her to submit proof of paternity as early as 7 weeks gestation, long before she begins to show. (She submits it by submitting a blood sample.) So, the NIPP test needed to be developed before we could take away the efficacy the most unholy sacrifice. That explains why the most unholy sacrifice was not revealed to us until recently.
When a woman certifies the creditorship of her unborn offspring, it takes away the motive for forced abortion, thereby protecting her right to choose life; and that's why the proposed bill of law is called the Right to Choose Life Act. Since the RTCL Act is bipartisan, it has the potential to bring together the two sides of the divided church, country, and world. The division is about what the lesser of two evils is. Is it letting an abortion-minded woman put her unborn offspring to death or forcing her to remain pregnant against her will?
We don't have to argue over that question anymore, because the RTCL Act would cause one evil to stop happening without causing the other evil to start happening. It does this by changing the mind of the abortion-minded woman in the same way that a shopper changes their mind about buying something as soon as they see the price. A woman cannot get an elective abortion if getting an abortion is no longer according to her will; and she cannot be forced to remain pregnant if remaining pregnant is no longer against her will.
There is no legitimate reason to oppose the RTCL Act. The only thing preventing it from becoming law is the fact that it is a secret, just like the mystery of lawlessness. I have merely told you both secrets just as Andrew merely told Peter that Jesus is the Christ (John 1:41). In order for the secrets to be revealed to you, you need to pray over what I have told you; and once you realize that the operation of Satan cannot be anything other than what I have told you and that the way to shut the operation down cannot be anything other than what I have told you, you will know that the secrets have been revealed to you.
Once you understand the things I have told you, please sign the RTCL Petition by clicking the button in the upper left side of this page; and please tell others about this page. Also, please stand behind your signature by not voting for anyone who opposes the RTCL Act or for the opponent of anyone who supports the RTCL Act unless the opponent also supports it. Today, no legislator cares to either oppose or support the RTCL Act, because it is a secret; and it will remain a secret until the signature count on the RTCL Petition becomes significant.
Who is the Man of Sin?
All along, my primary focus has not been on WHO the man of sin is but on WHAT the mystery of lawlessness is. That's because the word "For" at the beginning of verse 7 is an indication that the man of sin's primary purpose is to keep the mystery of lawlessness operating, and to keep it running at high capacity once the restrainer is taken out of the way. This would mean that his main purpose is to undermine every effort to shut down the operation of Satan. Remembering this will help us identify the man of sin as the state or church official who works the hardest to undermine our efforts.
Paul mentions the "temple of God" in verse 4, which is something he mentions four other times in his inspired writings, three times in reference to a person's body (1Co. 3:16-17, 1Co. 6:19, 2Co. 6:16) and once in reference to a body of Christians (Eph. 2:21). Therefore, the temple of God probably refers to the man of sin's body in verse 4. This idea is further supported by the threefold fact that the man of sin is called "the son of perdition" (v3), that our Lord called his betrayor "the son of perdition" (John 17:12), and that Satan had just entered into the body of our Lord's betrayor (John 13:27).
This is not to dismiss the popular idea that the son of perdition, being possessed by Satan, will go into a temple, or other house of worship, and claim to be God. That could very well happen; and if it does, then Satan would sit as God inside a temple not made with human hands (Acts 7:48, 17:24), as the son of perdition sits as God inside a temple made with human hands. That would be a double fulfillment of verse 4.
One might argue that Satan can only enter the body of a man who lacks the Holy Spirit and that the body of such a man is not a temple of God. However, Paul says, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, AND THAT the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" (1Co. 3:16, emphasis mine) If a person's body does not become a temple of God until the Holy Spirit dwells in them, then Paul would have written the word "because" in place of the words "and that."
In the next verse, Paul says, "the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are" (1Co. 3:17). But again, that doesn't mean that the body of a man who lacks the Holy Spirit is not a temple of God. If just means that his body is not "holy" like the bodies of those who have the Holy Spirit.
Later in the letter, Paul says, "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1Co. 6:19) This suggests that before you receive the Holy Spirit, your body "which ye have of God" is a temple of God, your maker; and after you receive the Holy Spirit, your body becomes a "temple of the Holy Ghost," one that Satan cannot enter.
One final thing to mention is that because every person's body is a temple of God, the most unholy sacrifice destroys the temple of God before the Holy Spirit has a chance to enter and make the temple holy. That's yet another reason why the most unholy sacrifice is the mystery of lawlessness, the operation of Satan which the man of sin seeks to keep in operation for as long as possible. If we don't shut down the operation before our Lord returns, then when he returns, will he find us trying to shut it down? I sure hope so!