
Welcome to the official website of the New Evangelization, aka the Right to Choose Life movement. If you are here to sign the petition to protect the woman's right to choose life, then please CLICK HERE. If the RTCL movement is of man, then it will come to nought; but if it is of God, then it won't stop until the RTCL Act is passed into law (Acts 5:38-39). We believe it is of God, because He is the One who started the chain of events listed below.

The Chain of Events Which Led to the New Evangelization
1. The altar is overturned during Mass. [fn 1]
2. The pastor leads the parishioners in prayer, asking the Lord to "help us to make sense of why something so senseless happens." [fn 2]
3. A curious parishioner named John receives the answer to his pastor's prayer. The answer is: To make sense of why the altar was overturned, ask Him, who orchestrated it, why it happened. [fn 3]
4. Curious John starts praying, asking God the Father in faith for the reason why He orchestrated the overturning of the altar. [fn 4]
5. Curious John receives the answer to his prayer. The answer is: God orchestrated the overturning of the altar, so that parishioners would look under the altar in St. John's inspired vision, tell God what they sees, and ask God in faith for the revelation of who the souls under the altar are. [fn 5]
6. Curious John looks under the altar in his namesake's inspired vision and starts praying again, telling God what he sees and asking God in faith for the revelation of who the souls under the altar are. [fn 6]
7. Curious John eventually receives the answer to his second prayer. The answer is: The souls under the altar are young victims of a continual human sacrifice which is happening today. This is bad news for us because they are asking God when their blood will be avenged on us and the answer is that their blood will be avenged when the sacrifice has stopped happening. [fn 7]
8. Curious John starts praying a third time, asking God in faith to show us how we can participate with Him in stopping the continual human sacrifice. [fn 8]
9. Through trial and error, Curious John eventually receives the answer to his third prayer. The answer is: 1. One of you write a bill of law which would give every pregnant female a way to disincentivize forced abortion, 2. One of you create a petition for the bill that people can sign, and 3. The rest of you sign the petition. This is good news for us because by participating in the shutdown of the system of human sacrifice, we can remain or become clear from the blood of the victims. It's a double-edged sword though, because if we don't participate, we will not be clear. [fn 9]
10. Curious John writes the bill of law which would give every pregnant female a way to disincentivize forced abortion, and he creates a petition for the bill that people can sign. [fn 10]
11. A former parishioner, named Daniel John, becomes the 175th person to sign the petition, and with the help of non-parishioner Judge John, Daniel John makes a necessary modification to the bill, and he runs for legislative office on the Right to Choose Life Act. The bill is called that, because it would empower every pregnant female to protect her own right to choose life. [fn 11]
12. The Son of Perdition is revealed to Daniel John 40 days after his defeat, thereby confirming that he has been appointed a new evangelist. Until then, only the Mystery of Lawlessness had been revealed to him. A new evangelist is a messenger who brings a new evangel to the baptized while continuing to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unbaptized. The new evangel is that the baptized are now invited to participate in stopping the human sacrifices by signing the petition to protect every pregnant female's right to choose life. The everlasting evangel contains two evangels, the Gospel of Christ for the unbaptized who dwell on the earth and the new evangel for the baptized who dwell on the earth. [fn 12]

A link to an explanation for events 7 through 12 will be posted soon.

(Posted March 1, 2025)

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